With Droid-Star and Dude-Star, you’re not dependent on a DMR repeater or even a hotspot. Now you can listen and operate on the talk-groups you want without limits or hassles.
Every DMR repeater, unless it is a standalone system, is dependent on internet linking. Just like IRLP, Echolink, D-Star, Fusion, P-25 and other such modes. Dude/Droid-Star takes away the need to use a repeater or hotspot to do exactly the same thing
It’s a great way to get on DMR ham radio without having to spend $200 and try to figure out how to program code plugs on a DMR radio. Dude-Star works on windows based PCs. Another excellent option is Droid-Star for Android cell phones. Both are free and open source.
You can download both windows and android versions here. (see below)
Dude/Droid-Star Videos
How to download, setup and use Dude and Droid Star
These are my copies of Dude-Star and Droid-Star that I originally downloaded from dudetronics.com in Early 2021. The current files on dudetronics.com seem to have issues. I know the ones I have work.
Dude-Star for Windows Computers
Here’s Dude-Star if anyone needs a copy and can’t find it. The file is a zip containing one file. dudestar.exe. Your computer may try to flag it as “may be dangerous” because it detects an .exe file within the zip file (folder) The file is definitely safe.
Droid-Star for mobile devices.
Here’s Droid-Star if anyone needs a copy and can’t find it. The file is a zip containing one file droid-star apk. This is a previously released version that works.
The catch is this: You must disable auto update on your phone in the google play app under settings. If you allow this app to auto update, it will download and install a current version of droid-star that doesn’t work. So, once you install the version here, make backups of this .apk file and keep somewhere safe in case you screw up and end up updating to the newer version that doesn’t work.